Are you thinking about starting up your ownhome beauty business? Specialising inlashesandbrowsis a great option! You don't have to go out and complete a whole diploma, and you can get yourself set up quite easily. Often the most challenging part is getting started, so we've broken it down into 7 simple steps for you.
Navigating asuccessful beautybusiness can often feel a little overwhelming. When growing your business, there are many considerations and approaches to try. These can lead you down the road of analysis paralysis, crippling you from taking action. The truth is,upsellingdoesn't have to be complicated. Here are the five simple keys to overcoming those barriers, simplifying theupsellingprocess and helping you stay within your zone of genius.
We have the answers to everything you need to know about setting up your own side-hustle or beauty business - whether it be from home or from a shopfront - it's never been easier!