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ASI Professional Peels

Mature Skin Peel - 10% Glycolic Acid, 10% Lactic Acid
Mature Skin Peel reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Glycolic Acid exfoliates the skin to regenerate collagen and elastin, resulting in the reduced appearance of sun damage, acne scarring and fine lines. Gentle Lactic Acid reduces skin sensitivity while building skin barrier function.

Youthful Skin Peel - 25% Glycolic Acid, Chamomile Extract
Youthful Skin Peel removes dead skin cells to reveal brighter evenly textured skin. Glycolic Acid exfoliates the skin to regenerate collagen and elastin, resulting in the reduced appearance of sun damage, acne scarring and fine lines. 

Oily Skin Peel - 15% Salicylic Acid
Restore purity and clarity with this highly effective pore cleansing and calming acne peel treatment. Salicylic acid provides anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to effectively treat Acne and Rosacea. The Oily Skin Peel works as an oil attractor to effectively remove any bacteria, excess oil and congestion while calming and reducing skin redness.

Sensitive Peel - Lactic Acid 10%
Sensitive Skin Peel reduces the appearance of redness and uneven skin tone. Gentle Lactic Acid reduces skin sensitivity while building skin barrier function.

Directions for use
  • Cleanse skin and rinse thoroughly.
  • Dry Skin.
  • Apply two pumps of ASI Pro Peel onto skin surface using a brush.
  • Move the brush in small circular motions directly over any areas where irritation occurs.
  • Leave peel on for a maximum of 3 minutes or sooner if client requests removal due to level of irritation.
  • Neutralise skin with pre made Bi-carb solution - (Mix 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate with 250ml of cool water into a bowl. Soak a couple of facial cloths to pat over the skin to neutralise the peel) Note: You may feel heat on your skin when applying the BiCarb solution, keep patting your skin until the sensation ceases.
  • Apply ASI Pure Hydration Concentrate. 

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