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Skin Needling

What is Skin Needling? 

Skin Needling is less intrusive and has far less downtime than other resurfacing treatments whilst still delivering optimum results.

Using no chemicals, skin needling (also known as collagen induction therapy) is highly effective at reducing acne scarring, body scarring, hair thinning, fine lines, and skin texture. The underlying action of this treatment is to stimulate a natural reaction in your skin or hair follicles to produce more of its own collagen and elastin. As well as releasing growth factors to start a rejuvenation process.

Dermal Pen can be used on the face, scalp, and body. 

How Does Skin Needling Work?

Skin Needling is an advanced skin, body and hair rejuvenation treatment which involves a number of microneedles that penetrate the skin to trigger a natural healing response that results in an increase in collagen production.

What results can I expect to offer?

The effects of Skin Needling are wide-ranging. First and foremost, it will dramatically boost collagen production. 

The benefits of this include:

Reduced acne scarring
Reduced body scarring
Increased skin elasticity and strength
Healthy and consistent oil flow
Smoother and finer textured skin

Skin Needling can also be used for hair rejuvenation. The micro-needling re-activates the pathways in the hair follicle, activates a release of growth factors and stimulates the stem cells. The combination of these three actions helps to strengthen the hair follicle to support thicker, terminal hair.

Will I see results immediately?

Yes, you can see results with the overall skin tone and texture after the first treatment. However, in our experience, for the majority of skin concerns, it takes a course of 6 Skin Needling treatments for maximum results.

For hair rejuvenation, treatments must be rebooked every 4 weeks and a course of 6 – 8 sessions is recommended. The homecare ASI – Australian Skin Institute 0.25mm Dermal Roller device can be used twice weekly to improve growth factor release and accelerate results.

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