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Meet the trainers: Marina


With over 30 years experience in the Beauty Industry, Marina is a 2nd Generation Beauty Therapist. 

Her mother ‘Stefania Capitelli’ opened the iconic Brisbane Beauty Centre in 1978 and was one of the pioneers of Cosmetic Tattoo in Australia; being the first to introduce this service to Queensland in 1985.

“Our family business was all consuming and I grew up playing with wax pots instead of dolls, I tried my first leg wax at 6 years old, and was answering the telephone and taking appointments by the age of 8.

Beauty became second nature to me and by the time I finished high school, it was inevitable that I would become a Beauty Therapist... it was in my DNA”.

In 2005, Marina opened ibeauty Medispa in the Brisbane CBD which she ran successfully until selling the business in 2018 when she then joined Brazilian Beauty.

During the ibeauty Medispa period, Marina focused on further building her Cosmetic Tattoo skills, training with some of the industries most experienced Australian and International experts and learning new techniques such as post-mastectomy areola restoration and microblading.

Marina is married and has 3 adult children. She is loving this phase of her career and is excited to share her experience and knowledge with the Skin and Beauty Training Center team.

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