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How to become a lash technician?

Eyelash technicians apply semi-permanent lash extensions on clients who would like to have longer, fuller eyelashes. 

Becoming a lash technician isn’t something you can do overnight. It requires training, practice and hard work. 

However, this is a service that can really pay off, whether you run a salon or work from home.

How to become a lash technician?

Applying lash extensions requires you to have steady hands, good eye-hand coordination, good vision as well as excellent attention to detail.  

Lash Extensions courses are not a nationally recognised training course. 

In Australia there is no stand alone Eyelash Extension Course.

Australia has a recognised Unit of Competency within a Beauty Package in a beauty school or beauty supplier business.

Many eyelash extension certification courses cover just one day of professional training.

However, to become a certified eyelash technician, it takes longer than 24 hours!

Applying lash extensions can be tricky, and can take months before you are ready to start charging clients for your service. 

Perseverance is required if you don’t get the hang of it straightaway – it may even take more than one training course.

Once you are qualified, you might still want to take additional intermediate training courses to refine and learn new techniques.

If you’re as excited about Lash Extensions as we are and want to learn more about it and how to perform it, click here and book online for our next training session.


Until next time, stay connected! 

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