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Get Better With Henna!









As most things go these days, clients are looking for a more natural approach to beauty. With this, we have seen a rise in the popularity of Henna Brows, being seen as a more natural way of giving greater definition to the natural brow. Henna is formulated to give longer-lasting results than traditional tinting products with a range of colors available to benefit all clients. 

Henna has been used over the centuries as a way to provide coloring to hair and more recently has made it back to the beauty industry in a huge way. Henna has a multitude of benefits including its ability to 'tint' the skin, helping to disguise gaps or sparse hair growth within the brows. This also gives you a deeper, more natural enhance brow color. 

Naturally sourced from the leaves of the henna shrub, it contains a substance called Lawsone which is effective in staining the hair and skin. To boost the speed at which the product works, often synthetic dye agents are included, sometimes known as PPD. Some clients are concerned about the use of PPD, however, provided you are using products sourced from reputable suppliers, the volume and strength of PPD used will ensure the product is very safe for professional use. 

The application of henna is done in the same way as traditional tinting products, however, it is easy to work with. The formulation allows for the application of henna to be precise and give a more sculpted, almost microblading looking result. 

Henna brows can earn you from $60 to $90 per treatment. If you want to include this treatment in your salon register for our ______________ course


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