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Dermal Rolling Home Care

 Introducing Dermal Rollers for Home Care

Introducing a Dermal Rolling device will allow your clients to take advanced skin treatments and hair rejuvenation home. 

Performing this treatment 2-3 times a week will result in smoother, brighter and firmer skin. Dermal Rolling at home will increase collagen production resulting in faded scarring, plump and hydrated skin. When used on the scalp, it will result in thicker, stronger and healthier hair. 

What is a derma roller?

A take-home Dermal Roller device consists of 540 very fine, diamond tip surgical stainless steel needles that create channels in the skin stimulating collagen production.  Skin needling is a technology that has been derived from ancient acupuncture techniques combined with a modern mesotherapy practice. 

What does a dermal roller do?

The needles create micro-injuries on the skin, which in turn send collagen and elastin production into overdrive, leaving your complexion tighter and plumper than it was beforehand. By creating micro-channels on the skin, it also helps product absorption by up to 90% when used in conjunction with a cosmeceutical serum. 

What concerns to dermal rollers' target?

Hair loss

Fine lines 





Uneven skin tone  

Top Tip:

Using the following products after dermal rolling 

After performing this treatment (twice a week), follow up with one of these power-packed products to maximize their effect. 

Vitamin B3 Complex

Vitamin C Serum

Pure Hydration Concentrate 

Purifying Hydration Mask

Dermal Face Lift Mask

*Do not Dermal Roll on active acne, clean roller after each use by running under hot water. 

Want to find out more about stocking ASI Dermal Rollers? 

Enquire with us today! 

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